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Requesting sponsorship for the OpenDigitalRadio project


I recently submitted 4 debian packages (odr-audioenc, odr-padenc, odr-
dabmux and odr-dabmod) that implement the essential tools to setup a
Digital Audio Broadcasting transmission chain. For  more details, you
can visit https://www.opendigitalradio.org/mmbTools

I tagged these debian packages as "hamradio", although I reckon ODR is
not strictly speaking amateur radio (but it is still radio!).  

Could you please tell me if you could accept and sponsor these
packages? If not, could you give me some advices:
 - What tool(s) (ex: reprepro) would you recommend to setup a private
debian repository that would host these packages?
 - How can I generate deban packages for other hardware platforms (ex:
arm64, arm/v7)?

Thank you very much in advance for your support.

Kind regards.


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