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Re: Sponsorship Request

Re: Tim K 2019-09-18 <[🔎] CA+shoWQLkCThpRYDrPeYTEX2Y_tTJUMoDG1QduLP3zoPbq5pgA@mail.gmail.com>
> Greetings!
> I was wondering if someone could contact me about a sponsorship. I've
> recently studied debian packaging for a project at work, and would like to
> further improve my skills by contributing.
> One package I've developed software for requires liquid-dsp as a
> dependency. This year, the author released a new version, but it hasn't yet
> landed in the repositories. I would be happy to help with this--or other
> packages.

Hi Tim,

it would help if you told us which particular package you are working
on, or asked concrete question about which problem you need help with.

73, Christoph DF7CB

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