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Smith Chart Calculator in Debian

Hi All,

I have been looking at the gsmc package in Debian and I believe it to be in
not so great shape. The code contains implicit declarations of functions,
which is dangerous as it might hide issues the compiler could otherwise warn
about or cause bad code. The upstream release also contains a bunch of
unsafe symlinks.

The author of gsmc (who is in CC as I'd like input from everyone before
deciding what to do) has also produced an X version of gsmc that is not
currently packaged.

We also have linsmith packaged in Debian, which until today I had not
realised we had packaged as this is maintained by the Debian Science
Maintainers. I've added this to the list of changes for my next push of the
Hamradio blend.

There's no reason why we can't have gsmc, xsmc and linsmith all in Debian
together and there's also no reason that we can't have just linsmith
(removing gsmc and reducing my workload) or just gsmc and linsmith (as it
currently is).

What I'd like some input on is what people are currently using, and I'd also
like to know if the gsmc issues that are reported are going to be fixed
upstream or if we continue to have gsmc in Debian, would I need to be making
the fixes for issues effectively becoming the new de facto upstream


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