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Re: Software Defined Radio Academy 2016

On 06/20/2016 01:31 PM, Alexander Heller wrote:

Dear lists,

the SDRA-2016 is right ahead! Next Saturday, 25.06. the SDRA will be
hosted as a subconference to the big HAMRADIO conference at
Friedrichshafen trade fair.

The SDRA will be hosted in the room "BERLIN" in the east part of the
conference center and talks will start at 10:00 hrs.

Please check the details at:


Hello all,

There is a chance that the next year's conference in southern Poland, CN2017 might include a ham radio workshop. I wonder if some of you might be interested in some active participation. (For info on CN2016 please visit http://cn.polsl.pl/)


Misko YT7MPB

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