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Re: Creating/reading ADIF from a library

Op di 21-01-2003, om 17:54 schreef Luc Langehegermann:
> Hello Jaime, 
> >
> > Hello all!
> >
> > I am working in a new logging program for KDE and i was wondering if there
> > is any library to create/read adif files.
> > Does it exist?
> I don't think so. But xlog does have ADIF support, maybe you want to take a 
> look at it.

Both ADIF, cabrillo, twlog, editest and xlog file support are in a
different library, which is statically linked with log, when xlog is
compiled. This library is called liblogfile, you can find it in the
src/logfile directory. 

Adif support is in a src/logfile/adif.l. It is a scanner file for flex,
which creates adif.c when compiling. ADIF logs are created by calling
log_file_create, appending QSO's with log_file_qso_append and next
calling log_file_close, all with type set to TYPE_ADIF.

I don't really know if it would be easy to use this in another logbook
program. It very nice code, but it might take some efforts in
understanding how the library works. Also, liblogfile is tightly
integrated with xlog. Maybe Stephane (F8CFE) can comment on this, he has
contributed liblogfile to xlog.

> >
> > I will release my very first version of my very first KDE program in some
> > days... I want to read/write adif for the first release. :-)

Good Luck! I guess it won't be easy....

> I am looking forward to it :-)

Me too...

> 73, Luc

Joop PA4TU

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