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Re: HELP: soundmodem & keying rig

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 07:10:45PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> What do you want to do with it now that it works?

I have a couple of ideas in mind.

One is an experimental remote weather data gathering station.  The station
will be solar powered.  By using the Linux box as a TNC as well as data
gathering, power consumption can be kept very low.  Of course, Linux's
stability helps. :-)  The data will be sent back to my home machine.  I
haven't yet decided whether to send it back as email or raw data via amprnet.
It would be nice to log into the remote machine via SSH.  I'm not sure how
well that will work over amprnet, but that's part of the experiment. :-)

> Plenty of APRS applications.. xastir, aprsdigi, aprsd.

I only just learned about APRS.  Sounds like that would be a lot of fun
to play with!  

Other apps such as mailbox, personal messaging systems and
keyboard-to-keyboard chatting some things I'd like to experiment with.

I still have (and use after all these years) my original TAPR TNC-1.  It
still runs TAPR's original firmware.  I also burned an EPROM with WA8DED's
TNC-1 firmware.  I always preferred the latter as it was more flexible for
writing apps.

Those are some ideas I had.  Are you (or anyone here) aware of apps I
should check out?  I don't mind writing and sharing my own, but why
reinvent the wheel. :-)

         73... bob, kc2wz
 bob billson        email: reb@bhive.dhs.org          ham: kc2wz       
                           reb@elbnet.com             Linux geek   /)  
 "Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin."              beekeeper -8|||} 
        --Dorothy                                                  \)  

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