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Re: RFC: gnome-dbg

Le jeudi 01 mars 2007 à 11:45 +0100, Loïc Minier a écrit :
>  For me, this opens a more general question about what we want bug-buddy
>  to be for us: do we want to interface it to the Debian BTS or to send
>  the report upstream?  Do we need a gateway where we could filter
>  bug-buddy reports from the Debian bug-buddy?

This is a very good question. Theoretically it would be better if those
stack traces could be sent to us, but it also means more workload and
we're understaffed.

Another possible answer might be adding a button to bug-buddy, so that
the user has the choice between sending the bug report to Debian or to

>  Another thing I have in mind is that we need some more formal package
>  installation service; I'm not sure of the progress of the Ubuntu folks
>  on the "codec issue": they are working on a way to pull/suggest *.debs
>  which are useful to decode certain formats.  The bug-buddy problem
>  sounds a similar type of problem: when faced to a situation where some
>  additional packages would be useful, locate the appropriate packages
>  and suggest/install them.  I don't think their current solution is
>  generic in this regard though.
>  (I know this is kind of futuristic, but I thought I would share it
>  nevertheless.)

I don't see anything futuristic here. See bug#407701 for a generic way
to achieve this. My idea was then to write a nautilus extension to look
up for a package able to read a given MIME type, and to spawn synaptic
to install it.

> >      2. Making the gnome-desktop-environment metapackage recommend
> >         gnome-dbg, and gnome depend on it, but only in the development
> >         cycle, not in stable releases.
>  Sounds good.

It's also the easiest thing to do.

>  I'm not sure whether your position changed on *.ddeb debug packages;
>  that would also be helpful IMO.

There is nothing wrong with .ddeb packages. What is wrong is to have a
regular -dbg package for each binary. We need proper integration of such
debugging packages in dak and APT, instead of the current complete mess
we have.

>  I didn't try the SIGSEGV kernel
>  handler that I think is nowadays in use in Ubuntu, but from what I've
>  heard it gives good results in matching the installed packages with
>  debug packages and producing useful backtraces.  This is certainly
>  harder a project to achieve in Debian than in Ubuntu, but I don't see
>  what we would have to lose with such a feature; I certainly see we
>  would get debug symbols for programs, and not only for libraries like
>  we mostly have now.

Isn't the Ubuntu thing sending the dumps to their own servers, so that
they can be matched to debugging information? If so, I think this is
unacceptable wrt. user privacy.

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