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Re: do not delete gnome-1

Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> writes:

> I have repeatedly warned libpng2/libpng10 users that these packages
> would have to be *removed* after the sarge release. Yes, removed.

Well, you didn't warn me.  You only warned primary users, not the
secondary users.  The secondary users are all the ones whose packages
get uninstallable when libpng2/libpng10 goes away.

> Regular announces were made on debian-devel. I also warned maintainers
> of packages depending on libpng10 several months ago, and bugs were
> filed before the removal.

Not gnucash.  You only warned the primary users.

> Now we have a problem with imlib, as the maintainer is orphaning the
> packages. As you seem to intend to take over the packages, here is the
> process I would recommend:
>       * You should entirely remove the imlib+png2 source package.
>       * The imlib package should be made to build the gdk-imlib1,
>         gdk-imlib1-dev, imlib-base, and imlib-progs, all linked against
>         libpng12.

This would be nice, but imlib doesn't build the same files as
imlib+png2; it builds them with different sonames.  But I'm doing the
equivalent thing, which requires the small number of direct users of
gdk-imlib1-dev to recompile.  But that's not a serious problem in my


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