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Re: gnome and smb/cifs

On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 21:06 +0200, Johannes Rohr wrote:

> Yes I am, but IIRC, it did work in 2.8, too. How did you try? Clicking
> an Image in Nautilus or some other way?
Yes. As a typical user might - right click on a Nautilus icon (or indeed
double-click) and select "Open with Image Viewer" The smb:// URI is not
recognised when doing a "File/Open".

> > Or have I mis-configured something?
> I never configured /anything/ related to gnome-vfs

Perhaps I should have said "not installed something".

>  The typical way of overcoming this is setting the
> SUID bit on the respective mount program, e.g. shfsmount. But this is
> an obvious security issue. This is why GNOME-VFS (or, on a much more
> fundamental level, the Hurd's translators) are so much better: No
> mounting, therefore no privileges required, no messing around with
> SUID bits.

Agreed. Allowing certain mount points through /etc/fstab also has its
attractions but for the lack of fine grained control.

Iain Mac Donald <iainjunk@freeuk.com>

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