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Re: Backporting podman

On Sat, 2024-02-10 at 19:40 -0500, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> As the person who has packaged podman for sid, I'm afraid I have to point
> out that the "fun" doesn't end here. In addition to podman, you'll also be
> looking at backporting:
> - runc (potentially crun, which may or may not be easier)
> - conmon
> - aardvark/netavark (alternatively, passt/pasta for user-space networking)

  Thanks for that additional information to take into consideration!

> But as Matthias said, most of the work is fairly mechanical.
> It is the sheer amount of packages that would also need to be kept
> uptodate in backports that keeps me from updating the package in backports.
> But, if we found enough interested and reliable contributors, it is doable.
> And also quite straightforward to do if we can agree to maintain "backport"
> branches in the git repositories on salsa, and keep some discipline in
> keeping them up to date.

  Yes, following DEP14 and making a "debian/bookworm-backports" branch
works pretty well in my experience.

> what do you think?

  I personally don't use podman, so I don't have any direct motivation
to see it backported. But I do remember the difficulty sometimes of
finding a DD who was willing and available to sponsor uploads, and I'm
certainly willing to help out in that regard!


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