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Re: Sigstore rekor current status and request for help

Shengjing Zhu writes:

> On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 4:16 AM Simon Josefsson <simon-RTwAkxXyIg7PknubsQK+Mg@public.gmane.orgg> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I want to get Sigstore's rekor <https://github.com/sigstore/rekor> into
>> Debian so that <https://gitlab.com/debdistutils/apt-sigstore> can be
>> included.  I'm new to Go and how Debian approaches Go code, but have
>> made some progress.  I'm now stuck.  This e-mail summarize the open
>> issues.  Can someone take a look and help me?  If you want, feel free to
>> push to any of the git repositories below with improvements.
> As you want to package rekor to support apt-sigstore, I would suggest
> you to only package rekor-cli, the client part of rekor.
> The rekor repository contains both server and client implementations.
> This will cut down lots of dependencies. The server part not only
> brings more library dependencies, but also more maintenance burden,
> like how to setup, how to support version upgrade between Debian
> releases.

Thank you!  This was one of the senior advice I was looking for, and was
initially excited that this would reduce the number of dependencies.
After some reading I found this setting:

export DH_GOLANG_BUILDPKG="github.com/sigstore/rekor/cmd/rekor-cli"

However it does not lead to any reduction of dependencies.  We still
need the following in Debian (or modify rekor to not use them):



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