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requesting membership on salsa


I plan to apply for GSoC with the project "packaging caddy for debian"[1] and have packaged one of its dependencies as an application task. I have filed an ITP[2] and have requested membership to the go-team salsa group so I can upload my Code there. Also, when done uploading, I would be glad if someone would like to review it and eventually sponsor its upload.

I am not sure how the permissions in the group work: At the pkg-privacy-team salsa group where I am an unpriviliged member, I cannot create new repos myself. If the same goes for go-team/packages, I would also kindly ask that someone creates an empty repo for golang-github-aryann-difflib-dev for me.

kind regards,

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2021/Projects/PackagingCaddy
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=985931

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