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Re: Proposal for the inclusion of new packages

On Sat, Jul 01, 2023 at 06:24:32PM +0200, Antonio Valentino wrote:

Ah, ESA Snap is PITA for licensing. I'm now quite sure it does not embed
JAI (not more perphaps), but even for building of the desktop tool you would need Install4J which is not free, AFAIK.
Even, it embeds a full special edition of JRE with pieces taken
from JAVAFX. IMHO packaging such a beast is not woth the giant effort
requited (you also should check tons of licenses and an upload would stay in
queue for months/years waiting ftpmasters).
I'm quite sure that you should provide an alternative build setup, even. And the result would not be guaranteed. I don't know about you, but in my case I have no possibility to extend a day to 48hs :-)
A downloader with a few postinst hacks to prepare a decent setup
would be more than enough.

Honestly, this kind of approach is exactly that I had in mind.
But still I would need to check the licenses and understand if we need to prompt for some kind of EULA, correct?

Regarding postinst scripts, if you already have something in mind, please let me know.

An installer basically is not so different in regards what a user
would do autonomously. For the postinst, for sure there are a couple
of things that would be nice to setup in advance, such as the quantity
of memory dedicated to the jvm and the destination of temporary files
(often the default /tmp is not enough for practical uses). AFAIK
that means adding some .vmoptions files under the binary directory
(e.g. /usr/lib/esa-snap/bin) for snap and gpt.

Even, the snap install needs to be run in unattended mode (-q) with
a custom configuration (and one should also manage the irritating confusion
among ESA Snap and the snap tool, so people should live with the renaming
of snap into esa-snap).


Francesco P. Lovergine

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