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Re: [DebianGIS] Re: New logo designs

At home I have another mollweide based design, a bit slimmer than the
current one. In 5 hours I'll be at home and will update the page. Stay

Well, the page is updated. The new design incidentaly solved two
issues raised by Hamish: the harsh contrast between letters and the
swirl and the i dot lookin as a marker on the planet... which might
not have been so bad.

Again, your comments are deeply anticipated.

Designs at: http://br.geocities.com/marcondes.rm/debian-gis-cdd

Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
-22.915 -42.229 = GG87vc (http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv)
Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org = http://www.debian.org

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