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Re: [Pkg-grass-general] Java GIS Software

Hi Wolfgang,

first of all thanks for your analyse. I am really excited about this
process since there are a lot of very good Java GIS tools around but
I still hesitate to recommand because of the Java trap. So if it is
really possible to 'liberate' at least some of those tools it would
be a great step.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 08:21:28AM +0100, Wolfgang Baer wrote:
> Hi,
> OK here is an overview over some Java GIS-Programs:


Perhaps we should create a new section of even page on the
debian-gis wiki with this list together with the analyse whether it
is possible to compile and use them with free java. So everybody can
see the progress rather easily.

> So from the dependencies the priorities in my opinion are first
> the libraries as they are needed by almost all programs:
> GeoTools - Main-Modules and plugins depending on free APIs
> Geoserver or Deegree
> Looking at the dependencies I would prefere Deegree over Geoserver if it
> can be build into different modules - as Silke said. Also Deegree 
> supports far more OGC Services currently than Geoserver.

Oops, what I wanted to express is, that it is possible to switch off
the Oracle and/or ArcSDE support for compiling deegree. I am not
sure though whether it is possible to provide those as
'plugin'-modules later on.

Anywhy: I agree that we should first focus on JTS and GeoTools and
then come to JUMP and deegree. 

Of course I would like to have GeoServer into debian as well, and
UDIG (which will replace JUMP over midterm according to the
developers) ... but we should not take over too many tasks at the
same time.

Wolfgang, I still offer to package the tools as long as you give me
advice how to compile them with free java tools. In this case you
should at least be co-maintainer of the package since you seem to
know a lot about the java side.

Many greetings,


Intevation GmbH

Georgstrasse 4                    49074 Osnabrück, Germany
http://intevation.de              http://intevation.de/~silke
FreeGIS.org                       http://freegis.org/

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