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[Freedombox-discuss] New images available for testing

Am Dienstag, den 07.02.2017, 17:35 +0100 schrieb sagen at permondes.de:
> Mmh, I will try again end of the week.
> I understood the initial set up is a 2 step process. Can I check if it
> did the first step before the reboot?
> How long did it take for you before you saw the device in the network?
> Dietmar
> Am 7. Februar 2017 13:58:06 MEZ schrieb James Valleroy
> <jvalleroy at mailbox.org>:
>         On 02/05/2017 11:55 AM, permondes - sagen wrote:
>                  I just tried the LIME image, it did _not_ boot.
>                   Dietmar
>         Lime2 is working for me though.
>         BTW does the LIME show any indication of failed boot, like a blinking LED?
>         --
>         James
Oh sh....
It was the ?SD card. I bought a new one, from one of the big names, no
no-name, and it just booted!
Such a stupid issue, how can a ?SD card resist to boot??? That one goes
into the recycle bin. 
- Okay, I am happy to confirm that the LIME image is working, if issues
arise, I will report them. If not, I will make screen-shots when I am
setting up my new box and update the wiki.
Thanks to all who helped me going through this!

(still biting his own back - bad translation of a German expression)

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