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[Freedombox-discuss] A software architecture for the FreedomBox

On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 11:59 -0600, Ing. Otto Marroquin wrote:
> On 04/13/2011 09:06 AM, Rob van der Hoeven wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > This is my first message on this list so let me introduce myself.
> > I'm Rob van der Hoeven, a developer from The Netherlands that want a
> > FreedomBox for myself (and everyone else of course!). At the moment i'm
> > building my own FreedomBox and like to share my work/experience with
> > other FreedomBox enthusiasts. For this i created a blog
> > (http://freedomboxblog.nl/) to document the building of my own
> > FreedomBox.
> >
> > One of the first things you have to do when building a system like the
> > FreedomBox is figure out the software architecture. I have come up with
> > an interesting architecture that is made of Linux Containers (Virtual
> > Machines). Maybe this is already discussed on this list (i have joined
> > only recently). If you are interested you can read about it on:
> >    
> These are very interesting ideas.... I see it as a "Private Cloud"
> sooner than later this vm's will communicate among them and this
> could lead to a inter-vm communication mechanism.
> I think your idea could be some kind of "mini-[Private Cloud] in a box" 
> that could
> be useful for a small company.

Good observation, the architecture enables you to move your data from
one FreedomBox to another FreedomBox. It has Cloud properties.
Fortunately this is your Cloud so you are in control of your data. You
can move it to a safer place, to an encrypted backup or to a new


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