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RE: Blocking Ports from showing up in scans

Search on freshmeat.net (or google) for rc.firewall, firemasq and firedog

You'll find examples of scripts that use IP chains.

You can learn from those examples.  rc.firewall is actually a script that
enables rules such as, "deny anyone from the outside pretending to be an
inside address", etc.

You can then create a rule that says basically:
source port 111 destination $internalinterface port 111 allow
source port 111 destination $externalinterface port 111 deny

The regular rc.firewall won't have the port specific blocks, but firedog and
firemasq do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Phill Kenoyer [mailto:phill@kenoyer.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 1:15 PM
To: Debian Firewall List
Subject: Blocking Ports from showing up in scans

I have a small masq/web server on a DSL.  I would like to make it a bit more
secure.  Its a default install of debian.  I have nfs and samba running for
my workstations to have access to the box.  I have most things turned off
like telnet and ftp.  What I would like to do is block a few ports from the
outside, but keep them for the local net.  I dont really want to learn
ipchains, because I dont have the time right now.  I've very busy, and I
would just like to do my work, but an example of how to do this would teach
me a great deal.  I have not found anything on web searches that would build
the rules for me, that would run on a server without X installed.  If anyone
is willing to do the rules for me, I would really be happy.  Thanks.

eth0 is, private
eth1 is public.

My private network is using 10.0.0.x.

ip_masq deb is installed.

I have the following ports open on my server.  I have marked with * the ones
that I want to close off to the outside, and have them not show up in a port

(The 1505 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
25/tcp     open        smtp                    
53/tcp     open        domain                  
80/tcp     open        http                    
110/tcp    open        pop-3                   
*111/tcp    open        sunrpc                  
113/tcp    open        auth                    
*139/tcp    open        netbios-ssn             
389/tcp    open        ldap                    
443/tcp    open        https                   
*515/tcp    open        printer                 
*829/tcp    open        unknown                 
*899/tcp    open        unknown                 
*983/tcp    open        unknown                 
*2049/tcp   open        nfs                     
*3306/tcp   open        mysql                   
*5432/tcp   open        postgres                

 _   |       _           

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