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Re: Down to 10 ?able packages.

On Wed, Mar 04, 1998 at 11:38:00PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:

> > Well, since I'm relying on you guys greatly to keep me on track and know
> > very little about Debian, (for now), I would have great trouble proving
> > you wrong!
> Grab the qmail.deb and look into it.

Oh, Ecki proved me wrong.  It's the pristine source in the qmail*.deb
file.  So please forget about appropriate parts of my mail.

> > a) It's a "Bad Thing"?  (ie the source policy etc isn't free)
> It's not DFSG free.  I'd be very happy if that debwall would
> be completely DFSG complient.  I don't know about the policy
> and copyright of most of the tools.
> > b) It can't be used by a private individual? (I'm pretty sure it can.)
> You are not allowed to distribute Qmail.  Period.

This doesn't seem to be truth.  Sorry, faulty memory.



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/ Kernel-Patching in DOS? Selten so gelacht!   -- Jochen Schoof /

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