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Re: last call on these packages before they are "cut"

There is a bug filed against syslinux (for a couple of month at least)
about it not being required and not belonging into the base system.

I am still not clear what you mean by bastion. I was not on the list
initially. Where can I find the archives?

On Wed, 4 Mar 1998, Henry Hollenberg wrote:

> I'm going to install the three systems bastion and two packet filters
> today.  Unless I here otherwise I'm going to cut these packages and 
> "See What Happens":
> Package: inewsinn  _cut_   .vs. Although I'm not completely sure
>                            .vs. how I will set up news at our site.
> Package: smail     _cut_  .vs. Replace with qmail or other mailer?
> Package: syslinux   _cut_  .vs.  Marked as req in distribution.
> 	Henry Hollenberg     speed@barney.iamerica.net 
> --
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