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t-dose debian booth 2024? za 1 & zo 2 juni 2024, geldrop, .nl


Since 2007, Debian has been represented with a booth at the yearly T-DOSE
conference near Eindhoven.  (See the debian-events-nl@l.d.o archives.)

T-DOSE is a volunteer driven, no registration needed, free entrance, 2-day
conference.  A bit like a human scale FOSDEM :)  See
https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-DOSE and https://t-dose.org/ .

Unfortunately, this year the usual suspects setting up and staffing the booth
are not available: sebastic@d.o is probably not there; stappers@d.o will likely
be there but does not have time to prepare a booth; Anne Bezemer will not be
there; I myself won't be there.

I myself am willing to help organize stuff before the event.  By now you
guessed the question in this message: would _you_ like to help running a Debian
booth @ this years' T-DOSE, sat 1 and sun 2 June, at the Weeffabriek in Geldrop
(near Eindhoven)?  (You don't need to be a Debian Developer for that, btw.)

If so, I am willing to fill in the call-for-booths registration form.

Thanks, Bye,


On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 09:00:07AM +0100, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:
> https://t-dose.org/news/call-for-participation/ :
> "The deadline for presentation abstracts, workshops and project stand requests
> is 10 May 2024. Submit your registration via our registration webinterface and
> make sure to select the appropriate track."
> registration webinterface at https://pretalx.t-dose.org/2024/cfp

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