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Re: Bug#193439: emacsen-common: debian-emacs-policy and package setup in conffile

On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 20:41:07 -0400, Peter S Galbraith <p.galbraith@globetrotter.net> said: 

> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 15:40:47 +0200, Kai Großjohann
>> <kai.grossjohann@gmx.net> said:
>> > But the situation that Emacs stops working after "dpkg --purge
>> > gnus", say, MUST be changed.
>> This is the second time you have mentioned this foul canard. Please
>> demonstrate why purging (or even removing) Gnus causes a problem,
>> or withdraw these baseless charges of incompetence.
>> manoj getting irritated at unsubstantiated accusations

> I really think he's using gnus as an elsip package picked at random
> to illlustrate that some packages break when you --remove them
> (everything is fine when you --purge).  The broken packages must be
> due to following some template file; grep for "Nils Naumann" in
> there...

	Well, it certainly did not come across that way. 

> Kai is not a DD, just a very competent emacs person.  Please cut him
> some slack.

	I have spent some effort trying to ensure that Gnus is
 packaged well, and that it does behave properly when removed, or
 purged. I do find it irritating that competent emacs users (and I
 have been the beneficiary of Kai's skills in the past) think there is
 something wrong in the packaging and yet are not pointg it out to be

	But my point remains: Unless someone can show me how VM or
 Gnus mosbehave, we do not need to create more poliocy and additional
 directories to avoid buggy behaviour. 

Not everything worth doing is worth doing well.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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