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Re: Separate LTSP server issues

On Sat, Oct 8, 2022 at 7:12 PM Wolfgang Schweer <w.schweer@gmx.de> wrote:

> Maybe those error messages make some sense to you.

They do. It seems that the LXQt desktop environment is used. The
preferred LXQt network manager tool ConnMan tries to bring up the
network interfaces, but doesn't succeed.

Consider to replace ConnMan with a more common tool:
apt install network-manager-gnome -y
apt purge connman -y
service networking restart (or reboot the system)

Then rebuild the image:
debian-edu-ltsp-install --diskless_workstation yes

It worked. Thanks a lot, I would not have been able to solve it on my own.
So, LXQt seems to be a bit unstable (although it looks quite pretty, in my opinion).
With other desktops most probably there are no problems.


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