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Re: How to use remote desktop?


> I find support for remote desktop a very interesting option allowing e.g.
> windows users to connect to DebianEdu and use it just like a regular LTSP
> user. At least that is the idea behind it, right?
> However, I couldn’t make it work so far. The xrdp login window shows up
> with various sessions, e.g. Xorg, Xvnc, console, etc. I couldn’t make any
> of them work.
> How can a user make use e.g. of the LXDE desktop environment using a
> remote desktop connection?
> Is there more documentation available on how xrdp works on DebianEdu?

Have you read /usr/share/doc/xrdp/README.Debian?

If so, have you configured Xwrapper correctly?

debian-edu-config should probably do that… or probably not… I'm not yet sure.


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