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Re: shutdown-at-night

On 24 August 2010 22:00, Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com> wrote:
> [Nigel Barker]
>> I read this, and the link from Holger, but where do I configure the
>> time I want them to shutdown?
> It is specified in the cron job of the package, which is a conffile
> that can be changed on each client.
>> Also I don't need wake-on-lan in the morning - is that optional?
> This can of course be disabled as well, but have to be changed on each
> client too.

Then I think I will give up on shutdown-at-night - I was hoping for
one conffile on tjener.
I already have a simple python script for shutting down ltspservers. I
will expand it to include statics also.

> Potential Debian Edu users would be the target audience, and
> journalists willing to write about Debian Edu.  My idea is to get some
> success stories written, and publish them on the web site and perhaps
> use them to create some press release text.
Ok, so you don't really have guidelines.  I'll write something about
what, how and why.



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