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BoQ#01: Leaking disk space due to orphaned files

Hi there,

when I checked our system after a longer pause,
this happened to be the day where login on thin clients
stopped working. 

Soon, I found out, that LTSP's disk space ran out of space 
- I found files in a range of the last 6 months, that
took altogether >10 GB:

This were orphaned temp & swap files - outside of /tmp!

/opt/ltsp/swapfiles contained 220 directories, 6 GB of size! 

/var/tmp/kdecache-* (* to be replaced with usernames) - contained
also several GiGs. The latter KDE cache is also present on workstations.

Could anybody
- please check their own systems for this phenomenon?
- tell me how to avoid this leak?

Ralftsp, /opt/ltsp/swapfiles contained 220 directories, 6 GB of size! 

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