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Re: getting involved

Hi Andreas,

> To introduce myself: From my professional background I am a physicist,
> but decided to quit my research and development job in industry to
> become a teacher at school two years ago. I will finish the training
> ('Referendariat' or 'Vorbereitungsdienst' in German) in February 2010.

I hope we have a release before then, but help is always welcome!

There are lots of ways to get involved and contribute. Since you want to
learn more about Skolelinux, best thing is to do testing and bug reporting.

You could also help with translation and / or documentation.

By writing to this list you have made the first correct step,
you should go on from [1] and gather practical experience.

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu

Best wishes,
 .''`.   Philipp Hübner <debalance@debian.org>
: :'  :  pgp fp: 6719 25C5 B8CD E74A 5225  3DF9 E5CA 8C49 25E4 205F
`. `'`   HP: http://www.debalance.de, Skype: philipp-huebner
  `-     ICQ: 235-524-440, Jabber: der_schakal@jabber.org

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