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Re: should we ship iceweasel (firefox) on the first cd?

On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 17:34:41 +0100, Philipp Hübner @ SLZ <philipp.slz@arcor.de> wrote:


Bjarne Nielsen schrieb:
I'm sorry, but my statement was mainly based on reports from teachers using skolelinux sarge. They complain about pages not working, and in most cases if I tell them to use mozilla/firefox it works. I don't remember pages they mention. My own experience with konqueror is also from sarge and older versions of Kubuntu, where I often had to use Firfox instead, so I had given up using Konqueror. I did test it now, and I am pleased to see it works fine with some educational webpages with flash, java and video streaming from nrk.no and vg.no!

Forgott to add, I used konqueror 3.5.3...


I'm experiencing exactly the same. By now most pupils prefer firefox to konqueror.

kind regards.

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