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Re: lwat - user administration tool

Trond Mæhlum skrev:
> Finn-Arne Johansen skrev:
>> Which version did you install ?
> I have now installed lwat-0.6-2

There is no such version, and I should know since I'm upstream

Please use http://bzz.no/~finnarne/lwat/lwat_0.6-0.0.edu.etch.4_all.deb

You may also try the instructions found on http://bzz.no/~finnarne/lwat/
on how to make it work using apt-get (both etch and sarge)

> It seems to install fine. I am, however, unable to connect to it.
> http://ipaddressofserver/lwat shows nothing.
> I am uncertain of some of the questions asked during install. Should the
> server name be localhost? Is it possible to get som tips for the settings?

If you want to add some entries like this in admin.ini:
 mailbox: %username%@%domain%
 homeDirectory: /%domain%/main/student/%username%

You should enter some reasonable value for domain.
If not, then leave it at whatever you like.

But the questions asked, does not have anything to say to make it work
on http://ipofserver/lwat/

But it might have something to say when it comes to making the actually
looking up or changing  some information in your ldap-server.

You can(should) check the settings in /etc/lwat/ after the installation

so for a normal debian-edu setup this is how things should look in
/etc/lwat/config.php :

$domain = "intern" ;
$base = "dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no" ;
$ldaphost = "ldap" ;
$groupbase = "ou=Group," . $base ;
$homelocation = "/skole/tjener/home0" ;
$useLisGroup = "true" ;


And if you try to log in, yuo may log in using the name admin, with your
ldap admin password, or if you have some other user that are allowed to
edit ldap, use that username password.

If you have any trouble, contact your support-line. If you dont have
any, I'll be happy to provide you with help, but I will charge you for
the work done. I'm doing this for a living.

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
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