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Re: About cvs for french dev.

On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 03:05:28PM +0100, Xavier Oswald wrote:

> -> After installing the skolelinux official CD, we wants a second CD
> which will contains all modifications we want, like an upgrade CD.
> -> It should be easy to use so, we made a install script for automatic
> software installation(additionnal packages which aren't on the
> official skolelinux cd), Intranet(Moodle which modification for french
> school), Personnalization of home desktop for users(french need too
> :),Ldap administration tools(Cipux),Openoffice plugins....
> This CD was made because every school don't have an internet access to
> upgrade skolelinux and install additionnal packages.
> I hope we could use a common cvs repository or a new branch of the
> official repository so everybody could have easily access to the
> modifications.

What if you add the contents of this CD into the SVN-repository at
alioth.debian.org (debian-edu/src/french-addon-cd) ?

> Other good point is that some additionnal learning software are in french
> and it would be nice if translation could be made, and become official
> debian packages ;)

If you have the whole addon-cd in SVN others can also take a look and
maybe help suggesting solutions for implement your
addon-cd-functionality into Debian the first Skolelinux/Debian-Edu CD.

- Werner

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