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dpkg.org site


Sigh. It seems the dpkg.org domain is being used now as a tool in the
continued harassment campaign.

The domain used to be handled by debconf.org after it got transferred
by the previous owner. I'm not sure whether it was previously handled
by Brendan (or perhaps just the site) after Scott and previously by
Wichert. I'm not sure whether Ian registered it initially, or whether
that was Wichert? (This part is all fuzzy to me.)

In any case, in 2015, while revamping the dpkg.org site, it was suggested
that DSA could perhaps replace debconf.org admins for DNS handling and
hosting, so I requested the move. Joerg can confirm here and probably
fill in the blanks in case I misremember (there should be an RT ticket).

I don't see why there should any need, but if, as it looks, this is
being used as yet another tool of harassment, then perhaps and
unfortunately it is worth considering moving the domain to another
organization (and certainly not me directly to avoid SPOF, etc). :/


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