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Re: Attention to the community,

Zebediah Beck <zwbproducts@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm subscribed to different mailing lists of the community in connection
> with my message here is my proposal or suggestion.
> Good day sir/madam
> I'm a long time debian user but am a first time user of the mailing list
> and bug report systems, I would like that contribute technical doxygen
> documentation to libbitcoin in the form of doctests and comments in thanks
> for your tireless work on this magnificent ecosystem.

According to https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libbitcoin that library is
not in Debian since 2018 so maybe better to pick something else - for
example, there seems to be a Debian cryptocoin team
https://tracker.debian.org/teams/cryptocoin/ who may like help, if that
is your interest

Adding technical documentation is usually best done via the upstream
project because it is generally not Debian-specific, needs to be kept in
sync with upstream changes.

Debian-specific documentaiton tends to be less technical (debconf
prompts, release-notes, installation guides etc)

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