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Bug#309560: Release Notes typo

Hello Debian-doc team,
upgrade-reports has received the following email about typos
in the release notes.

----- Forwarded message from Ewen McNeill <ewen@naos.co.nz> -----

Package: upgrade-reports

Archive date: Tue May 17 20:00:01 UTC 2005
Upgrade date: 2005/05/18 12:30:00 +1200

Apologies for abusing this method to report a Sarge release documentation 
issue, but it seemed the most likely to get to the relevant people in 
a position to actually fix it before the release.

In the provisional release notes, eg:


there are references to "Woody" which look like they should be "Sarge", eg

-=- cut here -=-
2.1 What's new in the distribution?
To replace the aging, much-maligned, yet still popular dselect, many apt frontends have been in development during the woody release cycle. 
-=- cut here -=-

It might be worth someones time to search for "woody" in the release
notes and just double check that all the instances really should be
woody.  (The rest on that page seem fine.)


----- End forwarded message -----

And from Clive Menzies:

  Also: 'This new release of Debian again comes with a lot more software
  than its predecessor woody; the distribution includes over 9000 new
  packages. Most of the software in the distribution has been updated:
  almost 6500 software packages (that is 73% of the <woody>
  distribution).' delete '<woody>'

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.

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