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Re: Validating tarballs against git repositories

On 2024-04-03 00:33:47 +0200 (+0200), Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Also, sdists are *not* "upstream-created source tarballs". I
> consider the binary form built for PyPi. Just like we have .debs,
> PyPi has tarballs and wheels, rather than how you describe them.

Upstream in OpenStack we believe we are distributing source tarballs
in sdist format. We produce and sign them, and serve them from
multiple locations. When you rebuild from a Git tag of an OpenStack
repository using a standard Python packaging ecosystem toolchain,
SetupTools is generating an ephemeral sdist on the fly in order to
set the metadata PBR and other components need.

I think it's fine that you'd rather rebuild the source distributions
from revision control than use the ones published by the OpenStack
community (we sign our tags with the same OpenPGP key as our
tarballs anyway), but it's merely your opinion that sdists are *not*
"upstream-created source tarballs" (an opinion *not* shared by
Jeremy Stanley

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