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Re: Efforts to Improve Virtual Console

Le Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 12:22:13AM -0700, Aryeh Hillman a écrit :
> I am looking to either find or help create a better virtual console
> experience on linux, especially in Debian. I am talking about tty1, tty2,
> tty3, ... typically mapped via CTRL-ALT-F1.
> *Help with the following would be much appreciated!:*
>    - where does the virtual console code live for debian?
>    - is virtual console code distro-specific or does it ship with the
>    kernel?

The default console is in the kernel, but other versions exist, for
example fbterm.

If you like mouse support, you should try consolation.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.

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