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Re: Questionable Package Present in Debian: fortune-mod

"Andrew M.A. Cater" <amacater@einval.com> writes:

> More cogently: where are we going to get our fortunes from - where's the 
> canonical source now that FreeBSD has gone?

There is Shlomi Fish's version:

This includes the patches from Debian and other distributors, along with
various other updates to the data files, including removing some (but
certainly not all) of the more obnoxious fortunes.

I am a bit dubious about the licensing of some of the original
collection, though, even under the most liberal interpretation of fair
use -- for example, songs-poems contains complete lyrics for several
songs that are certainly still under copyright. (Although I guess we
could now add a complete set of Tom Lehrer!)

Adam Sampson <ats@offog.org>                         <http://offog.org/>

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