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Re: Advice for package needing stuff installed in /srv (node-shiny-server)

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 11:27:43PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> Essentially if someone has a techincal way/solution to bypass this; or
> if someone on the list has had experience of working on a package that
> had similar reqs as shiny-server, it'd be nice to know what they did
> for their package.

gophernicus had a similar issue. By default, it wanted to serve files
out of /var/gopher, but FHS §5.1 states

    Applications must generally not add directories to the top level of
    /var. Such directories should only be added if they have some
    system-wide implication, and in consultation with the FHS mailing

Instead, gophernicus in Debian serves from /srv/gopher by default to
comply with FHS §3.17.1. The gophernicus package does not create this
directory. Instead, I just documented the issue in README.Debian [0],
and included the default gophermap as an examples file.

If there's a better solution, I'd be happy to hear it.


[0] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/gophernicus/-/blob/debian/sid/debian/README.Debian

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