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Re: salsa.debian.org: merge requests and such

On 10/11/2018 17:18, Phil Morrell wrote:
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 10:36:53AM -0200, Herbert Fortes wrote:
On 09/11/2018 20:26, Colin Watson wrote:
I guessed that the particular commit was
(The same developer has also been doing a number of other minor cleanups
in many other packages along the same lines.)

The fix is good.

But why the new debian/changelog? It is a honest question.

It's just an alternative personal style.

I have the same opinion.

I also think that if a package has a maintainer the maintainer's
personal style should be respected. That is the social thing
said before.

Do a fix is collab maint. Set my personal style in many other
packages that I am not directly responsible for is not.

I understand a minor cleanup that is done directly in the repository.
But doing a patch you pay attention to the fix.

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