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Re: Installer of Debian Stable allows to use btrfs for /, does it mean it's mature enough to use safely?

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 08:07:20PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> [1] I remember the day when a Debian stable point release introduced a
> new version of an ethernet driver that broke an entire class of IBM
> blade servers' networks and I also remember being scolded for relying
> on Debian stable instead of doing extensive tests myself

And there is truth to that. Compared to other vendors (and even companies)
Debian does not have an extensive test lab to try to guard ourselves against
regressions. There is only so much you can do about drivers that people
who rely on stable in a mission critical environment should do their own
acceptance testing before deploying changes. But the same would be true
with other vendors as well.[1]

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

[1] Well, maybe you could try to hold them liable in certain cases,
    depending on the contract, but even then the harm had already been

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