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Interaction between dpkg's directory removal and dpkg-maintscript-helper


I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong, looking
for advice. If one wants to deprecate a conffile locate in an otherwise
empty directory (let's say /etc/foo/bar), the following happens at new
package install time:

- before files unpacking, new-preinst is called; from
  dpkg-maintscript-helper manual, at this stage the conffile is renamed
  to bar.dpkg-remove (assuming not changed by user)
- new package files are unpacked; at this point, the new package doesn't
  own the conffile anymore, so dpkg doesn't have any tracked file under
  /etc/foo, so it tries to remove the directory; however this fails due
  to the /etc/foo/bar.dpkg-remove
- the new package is configured, and the postinst call to
  dpkg-maintscript-helper now remove /etc/foo/bar.dpkg-remove, but
  leaves /etc/foo as an unowned, dangling directory

At least, this is my understanding from reading policy and from piuparts
output. I can workaround it by manually removing the directory (if
empty), but seems somewhat out-of-place. Thoughts?


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