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Re: Tracking "below pedantic" stuff in lintian (Was: Packages with /outdated/ packaging style)

Lucas Nussbaum:
> On 28/12/15 at 14:24 +0100, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
>>> qa-vcs_but_not_git_or_svn.txt (290 packages)
>>>    The package is maintained using a VCS, which is not either Git or SVN.
>> This one is really bellow pedantic...
> I agree. And this could also apply to "still using classic debhelper"
> and "package still using 1.0 format that would not really benefit from
> any major improvement by moving to 3.0".
> However, as I already argued back in 2013[1], I think that it would be very
> useful for lintian to track such things, maybe as a below-than-pedantic
> level (in [1], Jakub Wilk suggested a "F" (feature) tag, as in "it's not
> a bug, it's a feature").
> If we had that, it means that the work I did could simply be done by
> running lintian on snapshot.debian.org, and tracking the popularity of
> interesting tags. And that it would be very easy to change the level of
> such tags when something moves from "new way to do $thing" to "suggested
> ew way to do $thing" to "recommended way to do $thing".
> I think I would even try to implement that in lintian myself if there
> was willingness from the lintian maintainers to accept such a change.
> Lucas

Hi Lucas,

I believe that feature requested ended up also(?) wanting to track
actual properties of the package.  I.e. it would state a fact about the
package rather than declaring said "fact" an issue.

 * I would have no issue with Lintian being able to list (non-issue)
   "facts" about packages.
   - It would be useful to compute stats about packages in general and
     have a framework for that.

 * I am less convinced that a "lower-than-pedantic" severity will do us
   any good.  From my PoV, it just adds (albeit minor) complexity and
   inflation of the severities in lintian.
   - For one, we'll have to add yet another cmd option/-L argument for
     people to get *all* (issue-related) tags, which last until the
     next time someone feels that a given tag is "lower-than-the-

In summary, extending lintian to emit a type "fact" tag would be very
welcome from my PoV.  Please do let me know if you need help with that.
 Lintian probably assumes that tags are issues in quite a few places.


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