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Re^2: Package naming rules

Rob> I agree with most of what you said, but bear in mind that relying (for
Rob> a specification) on what "most" regex packages think is a word if
Rob> probably a bad idea.  You should explicitly decide what you will or
Rob> won't allow, and then write the regex that parses it.  So for debian,
Rob> we should just say "This is what a package file name must look like":
Rob> (in perlease, and untested)
Rob> /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+-[^-]+-[0-9]+\.[^\.]+\.(deb|diff\.gz|tar\.gz)/
Rob> And then rely on people to implement this in various regex systems
Rob> however they want.  If perl's idea of a word works, they can use it,
Rob> but the official authority is the more straightforward regex above.
Rob> Consider that (I think) in some systems global variables can change
Rob> what is considered a word.

I fully agree. Besides, IMO is _ plain ugly :)

David Frey <david@eos.lugs.ch>

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