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Re: homepage(s) for game-data-packager

Thanks pabs for chmod g+w

Le samedi 29 août 2015, 13:29:29 Markus Koschany a écrit :
> Am 29.08.2015 um 09:41 schrieb Alexandre Detiste:
> [...]
> > Do you find this usefull ?
> > If so I'd like this to be moved to some more reliable Debian infrastructure.
> I find this very useful. Thanks. If you add pkg-games group ownership to
> your files, every team member should be able to edit your homepage.

All directories under groups/pkg-games have mode 's',
so new files here are automaticaly team-owned.

Now anyone can refresh this page with a "make html"


> I could also add a link to your site on
> http://blends.debian.org/games/
> to make it more visible.

This is contrib stuff, I don't know if it would fit there
& how it should be "avertised".

Putting a list on GOG.com or steampowered.com doesn't
hurt because only user of these sites will stumble on those.

It's similar to the non-free display drivers: "if you really want this non-free stuff
& don't want to break your system; please use this contrib installer".

I really mean it by 'breaking': the GOG.com .deb's does
"chmod -R a+rw /opt/GOG Games/{GAME_DIR}" in postinst !

(and running a DOS game in dosbox.exe in Steam.exe in Wine is not fun either)



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