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Policy 3.8.0 and README.source


 As everyone of you should be aware[1], we got a new major policy update
and with this a new file that we propably have to put in every single
package of ours.

 ... and that's why I am writing this mail. We propably want to define
at least team internal some default snippets/text for that, depending on
wether which patch tool our packages are using, and if a new upstream
tarball needs special tweaking.

 Standard texting for that for Debian in general might be a too big
problem (especially to reach a concensus), but I hope that we should be
able to get one within the games team at least.

 What I have added to wesnoth might be an absolute minimum, and I'm
absolutely not happy with the contents of it so don't take it as a
reference. I haven't yet come up with something that I would consider
sufficient. I just want to raise the point and make others aware of it,
maybe someone comes up with a really good idea.

 Thanks for listening,
[1] <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/06/msg00001.html>

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