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Re: Checklist for packaging games

* Andres Mejia <mcitadel@gmail.com> [2008-04-20 17:24:49 CEST]:
> Repeating what's on the wiki.


> >  * Game data is packaged in a separated arch indep (all) package if it's
> > big enough
> >
> >  * Game data is in a separate source package if it is large
> Depends on what's defined as "large". Is it >50MB? >650MB? etc.

 I also wonder about that: Why should we split an upstream tarball, it
only comes down to maintenance woes. Maybe suggest upstream to offer it
split, but an upstream tarball shouldn't get touched. wesnoth upstream
tarball is 160 mb to date and yes, I would indeed be happy if they
seperate at least the music from the rest of the tarball - but I under
*no* circumstances will split it within Debian, it is just not working
and helpful.

 Or what was the intention behind that addition to the list?

> >  * Game loads private libraries through rpath or LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> Is this really necessary? After all, they are private.

 rpath? I also wonder about that one, rpath has to be avoided wherever
possible, not?

> >  * Game should respect the
> > [http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html XDG
> > basedir spec]
> >
> >  * Game saves user data in $HOME/.<game>/ or similar
> >
> >  * Game loads user data from $HOME/.<game>/ or similar
> >
> >  * Game inits user data in $HOME/.<game>/ or similar if it is needed

 How does the latter three work with/against the first? Isn't there a
contradiction here? Either we want XDG basedirs, or package specific
dot-dirs in home, not both?

 Should we add general things to the checklist too, like Homepage: field
and watch file?
 So long,

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