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Re: doom policy: wiki or svn repository? (also: formats)

I demand that Jamie Jones may or may not have written...

> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 18:33 +0100, Darren Salt wrote:
>>> My IWAD installers also provide the following virtual packages,
>>> doom1-iwad, doom2-iwad, plutonia-wad, tnt-wad and corresponding packages
>>> for heretic/hexen. My IWAD installers currently prompt the user for the
>>> path to their IWAD on install.
>> Sounds good... do yours run tools such as glbsp on the installed WADs? And
>> if Vavoom is added, glvis will also need to be run on the installed
>> WADs...

> No, my engine (deng) has [its] own internal glbsp (based on 2.20) that
> builds glnodes at runtime while loading levels.

EDGE does this too; but at least for IWADs, it'd make sense to have the .gwa
files generated at install time if only because this way you eliminate the
possibility of duplicate .gwa files and any need for the binaries to be
suitably setgid for creating files in /usr/share/games/doom; and that dir
itself then won't need the group sticky bit.

Can deng be built with an external libglbsp?

Anyway, I'll file an ITP for glbsp; I'll need a sponsor.

> We should ignore the GL_PVS extension of glvis, but as glvis segfaults on
> my system, I haven't tested it to make sure it works as it should.

ISTR it segfaulting when I last tried it... :-|

>> ISTM that the installer should provide a install scripts directory for
>> running programs such as these and a way of invoking them for Doom engine
>> packages to run on installation. It's probably *not* safe for any engine
>> package to remove files generated in this way (others may need them too),
>> but I think that the installer could do so.

> I think that should be fine. My installers have been scripted up with a
> nice reportbug script that identifies the exact version of the IWADs. This
> is helpful as often problems exist in the older IWADS.

Sounds good :-)

> This could probably be adjusted to ensure only the latest version of an
> IWAD can be installed with the installers to prevent bug reports cause by
> using older faulty IWADS. Updates for all IWADS are on any ID software ftp
> mirror.

That seems reasonable.

>>> PWAD installation:
>>> So that all engines can benefit from and utilise the pwads, I would like
>>> install the pwads like this /usr/share/games/doom/pwad-$GAME-$NAME for
>>> example
>>> /usr/share/games/doom/pwad-doom1-2002ado
>> [snip]

>> I would prefer something more like this:

> I went with the $GAME-$NAME scheme as there are a variety of PWADS that
> come as multiple files, that are not always named consistently.

Well... unpacking them into their own directories should work too, I suppose;
it's just an extra layer.

> My current pwad installers have been installing on into a variant of that
> path scheme (/usr/share/games/deng/Data/jDoom/pwad-doom1-2002ado) with no
> unhappy users for over a year now (although, that may mean I'm the only
> user).

That's entirely possible... I know that in the last four weeks (approx.),
I've had one download of my Doom wad installer, three of gledge (one each of
stable, testing, unstable), and four of edge-wad (two from stable). Contrast
with my patched-for-vdr-xine libxine1: 24 each for stable and testing, 45 for
unstable. (About 76% of all downloads, including package lists, were done
using apt.)

> I also install dehacked files in with the pwads for those that come with
> them.

Hmm. That reminds me about deh_edge (and libdehedge)...

>> BTW, ITPs: copy to this list (with bug number) only or also to d-d?

(Evidence suggests d-d only.)

> That reminds me, once I've sorted out issues with the source, should I
> re-open the old ITP, or file a new one?

It probably doesn't matter which, but I wouldn't take my word for that :-)

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Use more efficient products. Use less.          BE MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT.

DOS means never having to live hand-to-mouse.

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