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Re: Release Team Sprint Results

On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:22:17 +0100 Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:

> On mer., 2014-12-03 at 22:06 +0100, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > The question is: how can the Lines theme be released under CC-by-v3.0,
> > when it's in part based on material available under GPL-v2 ?
> The Lines theme (by Juliette) is CC-BY 3.0. I guess you talk about the
> derived work (the KDM theme)?

Possibly: I was talking about whatever combined artwork built from
CC-by-v3.0 and GPLv2 material.
The quoted sentences gave me the impression that such artwork was

Since the two licenses are mutually incompatible, I was worried about
the legal issues.

> > These two licenses are notoriously incompatible with each other.
> Aren't you confusing with CC-BY 2.0?

No, I am not.
CC-by-v3.0 is GPL-incompatible, as it includes restrictions not present
in the GPL.
The same holds for previous versions of CC-by and for CC-by-v4.0 as
well, unfortunately.

> > 
> > I think that Juliette Belin should be asked to re-license the Lines
> > theme under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.
> > Or, at least, to dual-license it.
> Maybe you forgot to add her to the mail recipients, then?

It seems that she reads the debian-desktop mailing list: she has
replied, showing kind willingness to re-license.

I would be more definitely happier, if she decided to re-license her
artwork under the terms of the "GNU GPL v2 or later", or, at least, to
dual-license it under "GPLv2+ or CC-by-v3.0", in order to maximize the
opportunities to create derivative works from the various themes.

Please note that all the other themes included in the desktop-base
package are GPL-licensed and can thus be combined with each other in
order to create derived themes.
The Lines theme is the only GPL-incompatible theme included in the

This reason to re-license (or dual-license) holds even if we conclude
that the license incompatibility is not troublesome for the Lines theme
as *currently* included in the desktop-base package.

 fsck is a four letter word...
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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