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Re: update28.py: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

> Ok.  What script is supposed to fill the suite table?

One to be written. :)

> If the suite table should have those values, I don't know what script is
> supposed to insert them.  Should it be an update*.py one?  Or something
> executed before the update*.py ones?

Well. I think you do have a nice little mountain right in front of
you. Little as in some miles high. Nice as in totally ugly. :)

The whole dak as it is currently in git is not really userfriendly to
setup. Especially not when you have no pre-existant database. There are
those few sql files in setup, but that doesnt really get you far.

The updateXY scripts actually assume you have a database schema (and
partly contents) that ftpmasters projectb had when we started them. Some
of them assume a dak.conf as of their writing date (where we move data
from dak.conf to database).

This, obviously, as you right now experience, sucks and should be
fixed. But its not that high on the todo, sorry. (But as always Im happy
to get patches and stuff :)

bye, Joerg
Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every
day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.

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