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Re: Example for debconf pre-seeding?

On Monday, 24 de January de 2005 21:38, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure I have read something about an example / howto or
> anything else how to do debconf pre-seeding, but Google leaves
> me alone.  Any help (prefered code example) how to do that?
Uhm, I don't understand what do you want exactly.

AFAIK you can "pre-seed" with debconf-set-selections and a
"preseed file" which is just a file with an output like the one that generates 
debconf-get-selections like this one:

If you want to do it in debian installer you can use "preseed/file" and 
"preseed/url" debconf options.

Anyway I'm not sure if this answers your question :)

Isaac Clerencia <isaac@warp.es>

Warp Networks         http://www.warp.es
María de Luna 11, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain

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