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Bug#587886: future of maintaining of the bootloader LILO

Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote on 2010-11-22 11:27:

> Joachim Wiedorn writes ("Bug#587886: future of maintaining of the bootloader LILO"):
> > Finally it would be nice we could move the new Debian packages into
> > Debian unstable ...
> I agree that Joachim and Matt Arnold should be made the joint lilo
> maintainers.  Would other TC members please express an opinion ?
> However we should not upload Joachim's new version to xen-unstable,
> because of the freeze.

That is o.k. because the new packages are made with the new release of

Only one point would be interesting at this time: I would like to work on
the bug reports (comments, tags). But I want to start with this work at
first if I am defined as maintainer of the lilo package. I don't want to
run in conflict with the (old) maintainer.

>                        Joachim, amongst your fixes are there any that
> are very important RC bugfixes and which you are sure aren't going to
> break anything ?

Really there would be at least one bugfix which would be worth to go into
22.8 package: lilo compute the needed RAM undersized for newer kernels. 
The patch would be:


Then we could remove the warning in debian/lilo.postinst.

Have a nice day,

Joachim (Germany)

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